Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 17- Baby Turnip

How your baby's growing: Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

Still experience a little nausea, and yes, even vomiting. I've finally found a way to sleep on my side comfortably though! We find out the flavor of baby in just 3 short weeks!
Still having lots of weird dreams which I've read is not unusual. Twice I dreamed that we had a boy- with no name- who looked exactly like the boy I used to nanny. This baby also didn't go anywhere with me.

Predicting Genders: The night before my sister-in-law, Shannon found out the sex of her baby, I dreamt she was having a girl- she is. Then, Sunday night, I dreamed that my friends Joel & Rebecca were having a boy. On Monday they found out they were having a girl- I was wrong! BUT, my friend Lindsay also found out the sex of her baby that day, and she is indeed having a boy. Who knows what any of this means.

Working a long week this week- 27.5 hours- too much standing for me. Trying to rest the best I can at night, but the standing doesn't really help- I prefered the walking around Chicago...
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1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, another Mr. Famous! I'm so excited! How often do you have to explain his name to people? How is his back doing?


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