I went by the house Saturday and mainly just looked at how things were unpacked- it was so overwhelming, it IS so overwhelming. I think unpacking might be worse than packing- i just want it done NOW! Sunday we went back by the house- Dave put our bed together and I started unpacking a few things- mostly the kitchen. This is where we discovered that my dinner plates won't fit into our dishwasher- baffling. I also discovered that i will need a step stool to reach all our cabinets- very frustrating- but, it's probably not worth worrying about. Today, Dave took a personal day- we went to the Dr. then I went to physical therapy. After PT, we decided to go to Ikea and look at the sleeper sofa we had liked on their website. I keep hating Ikea more with each passing day- this sleeper sofa was tiny. Dave & I could just barely sit on there together. I guess if I had read the description a little more carefully, I would've discovered the sofa was less than 5' wide. We did find a couple rugs at Ikea, so I guess it's not all bad. We decided to look at an actual furniture store for either a sleeper sofa, or a sofa/love seat combination. I'm sorry to say, if you stay at our house, you're probably going to be sleeping on an air mattress. We got the living room cleared out a pretty good bit, dvds and books are unpacked and put on our bookshelves. Tonight I bought groceries while Dave attends traffic school (after 5+ months living with my in-laws, I can say that I have forgotten how to shop for groceries) and it looks like we might actually be sleeping in our new home tonight! I'm a little nervous because I'm moving out of where I've called "home" for the last 5 months, but I'm ready for it to be just Dave & I again, so we can enjoy these last 2 months before baby arrives!
Pictures to come!
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