it's been a long weekend. so long that this is pretty much day 6. labor day weekend is always a nice week(end) for us because of our anniversary. this is our 3rd year of marriage- the leather anniversary, and since i'm not into s&m, husband got me a nice red leather photo album with some photos of us inside to start it. i also got an adorable pair of rain boots b\c i hate when it rains and my pants get wet... oh, and a gift certificate for a pedicure! finally! we went to dinner & had a very nice evening just the 2 of us.

our weekend was supposed to start on friday- husband's company always releases them from work early on friday before a holiday- we were going to be packed and heading to michigan for a nice relaxing weekend at the lake. i have been looking forward to this trip in months. while other people are going on a vacation every other day it seems- we have not been on one in 3 years- it sucks. i had 2 new swimsuits, a baby float, a baby tent and i was ready for my skin to finally see the sun... well, of course, there's murphy's law... unfortunately, husband's grandmother passed away on thursday- bye bye lakey. so we packed for a different trip. i will not cry about the trip to the lake that wasn't- we made the best of what we had, and we had a nice weekend despite the circumstances.
saturday we had a nice family day after ian watched his first uga game - go dawgs! then sunday afternoon we headed to lincoln to get ready for the funeral. after we checked into our hotel, we got ready & headed to the church. my husband's gfather died a few years ago, and i must say, they always plan really nice funerals- it was a wonderful service with happy tears. eloise was a wonderful lady with good taste in shoes... she is missed.
monday we had a really fun day at dave's uncle kevin & aunt reva's. they have a beautiful old farmhouse and lots of land. we sat around, talking, watching the 6 dogs run around, playing bags & bocce, and shooting guns. then we had delicious grilled fare for dinner, and made the plans to bury eloise & harry. it was wonderful time with all the cousins. although it wasn't the labor day we planned, and the circumstances were sad- we really had a blast. i don't think i could've asked for a better weekend!
this is lincoln, illinois from our car. cornfields on your right, cornfields on your left.
ian had a good time just chillin' out in his tent and playing
mommy had a good time shooting things!
dinner on the go!
i'm sorry, but my son is adorable!
all the cousins with their children, husbands, boyfriends and wife. yes, i am the lone wife. dave is the only boy out of all his cousins and it was up to us to have a boy to continue the family name (no pressure). luckily, we got it right on the first try. there are also 9 people missing from this picture
one of the first exits on our way home. this exit boasts the atlanta museum and "historic downtown atlanta". riiight.
see you and me have a better time than most can dream
have it better than the best
so can pull on through
whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down
and if nothing can be done
we'll make the best of what's around
dave matthews band