wedding guest dress - i couldn't decide. plus, half the dresses went into "out of stock" or "size 2 available mode. and since most forays into the dressing room for me have a 17% success rate i decided this: purchase 7 dresses that i liked best ie: were most affordable, try them all on, and send back the 6 losers, hopefully keeping 1 very awesome winner. my husband frowned upon this idea, wanting me to purchase 2 instead and choose from those. next time, you can have the baby and jack your body up.
ditch the shampoo - this got worse before it got better. not only are my grays sticking out and holding up little "look at me" signs; i was wanting to shave my head and vomit every time i saw my hair, which stayed perfectly placed in a ponytail every time i removed my hair band. gag. when i was begging for my shampoo, husband suggested i follow the baking soda wash- it made a major improvement to my hair from first wash, and my hair is gradually starting to look cleaner. i'm hoping that holds up, because it's time to color it... AGAIN.
shredding - ugh. epic fail. i got through 10 days, then hubby's gma died and we were out of town for the long weekend, and it was just so difficult to get back into it. i may start up again, but for now husband has a big plan for us that i'm keeping to myself for a while. good news is while i didn't lose any weight, i haven't gained any since then either...
ian and i are flying to the atl tomorrow. i'm so excited. i need some south in my life. we are flying, and did i mention it's just going to be the two of us? after we get to atlanta, we'll be driving to nashville for the weekend for a family reunion (a little counter-productive) and then it's loads of fun in c-town. this will be the first time husband has been away from ian- and he's a little bummed (so are we). thank God for skype. i'll be sure to include a post on traveling with baby.
i won't be posting much during my vacay, but i do have some guest posts lined up- so keep checking in!!
I flew with the little one to Seattle last month, to go meet up with Daddy. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. It did help that we had 2 seats since I had to take his carseat on the plan, he slept, in his car seat, for the duration of the flight.
ReplyDeleteI love Nashville!
Which 7 did you decide to try? And when will you be in the A and for how long? I want to see you if we can coordinate! :)
ReplyDeletelulu- i'm deciding not to take the car seat. a friend of ours has her daughters rear facing seat that she already dropped off w\ my mom & dad- so i'm hoping he can be contained in the moby and sleep.
ReplyDeleteheatha- i ended up with bright young thing/ascending pleats (grey, coral), chocolate souffle and celebrate good times, kirigami craft dress, and 2 others that weren't even on the list, but i spotted while ordering. the rest were either out of stock, or shipping from europe, and i didn't feel like i had enough time!