ian still isn't walking... i sound like a broken record, don't i? he's really making strides though- he's started walking with his push toys, he'll actually let you hold his hands and walk him around, and he's standing on his own on other surfaces besides our bed! he even took single steps a few times this weekend!
ian is no longer eating pureed baby food, with the exception of a few times when we are out and it's easier to feed him- and he loves almost all foods! there are a few things he doesn't care for, or only eats on occasion. he loves sweets too- which we don't normally give him, but we have been out of town this last few weekends where there has been cake, and he cries as soon as he sees cake... how does he even know what cake is?!
ian had 3 shots at his 15 month appointment and a blood draw. this was the most upset he's ever been- and i was pretty upset myself. a blood draw was done to check for anemia, however, ian has iron levels comparable with an adult...
ian is still super tiny. he measured in at 30", which is only up 1" from his 9 & 12 month appointments. that puts him somewhere around the 10-25th percentile. his weight is now 17 lbs 12 oz, which is only up 11 oz from his 12 month appointment. this was part of the reason he was checked for anemia. so, he's just going to be tiny for now. dave & i aren't very big either, so it's to be expected.
he's is talking more too! he now says baby and bye-bye. he's waving "bye" more too, but usually not until the person is completely out of sight...
tooth number 7 has broken through the surface... we're still waiting on its arrival. he's becoming more of a toddler and less of a baby every day. ::sigh::
and now for the winner(s)(!!!) of my vera giveaway!
commenter #3- cutiepies said... I already follow you and I just posted this on my FB!!! I love all 3 things... hope I win!!
Congratulations!! email me @ melissalmcfadden (at) gmail (dot) com with your address and which shopping bag you'd like
and since i had 2 shopping bags... someone gets the other one! and that winner is.....
commenter #12 -Allison W said... Posted to FB wall: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/awishs5200
email me with your address, and i'll get the other bag out to you!!
congratulations girls!! and if you didn't win, come back! this was so much fun, i hope to do more giveaways soon!!
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