instead. my "resolution" is to make a short list of attainable goals each month- and to share them with you. sometimes later in the month than expected...
i'm running supes behind this month. let's review my goals for may.
sell stuff we don't need on ebay (move clothes from smashion if necessary). i am happy to announce that we have made $300 selling stuff on ebay!! i have also sold a few things on smashion. i'm not even finished w\ all our ebay selling yet (more on this lately)- drink more water. i've really been slacking lately. did ok for a couple weeks, still not drinking enough.
- go to bed earlier (revisiting this one b\c as soon as it came off my list, i just started doing it)- this one i'm back & forth on- it's after 2 am now...
detox. guys, this is so hard. thinking about it scares me. i have a HUGE sweet tooth. i don't feel that i overeat when it comes to sweets, but i love them so much. i also love dr. pepper. it's embarrassing... mostly embarrassing to admit that i'm so weak.done!! guys, this seriously jump-started my weight loss. weight loss to date: 8 lbs! squee!2 date nights. done. we had a couple movie nights at home and we had an out night going to see a friend's wife play w\ her the bigger person when it comes to a certain family issue that i can't seem to let go of. i can only control my own actions, not another person's.done for what it needed to be done for. this will continually be a work in progress.finish my bookdonepractice patience with ian as his molars are coming in and i want to wring his adorable neck while he screams at me all day (6 hours, anyone?) (and i'm not going to really wring his neck, fyi, so don't report me to defacs)boy, that was a miserable week, and ian is the proud owner of 6 new teeth (yikes!)30/30. 2 items.done... can you find what i marked off?
- drink water like it's my job
- don't be so tied up online- manage my time better for blogging & working
- lose 4 more lbs!
- sell a little more on ebay
- have an awesome birthday
- work on the list- it's definitely not going to be completed.
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