Tuesday, September 13, 2011

19 months

Ian turned 19 months old 3 weeks ago... I am a little behind.  Is this thing on?  Is anyone still even reading?  sorry for my very delayed absence.  we took a short trip to atlanta over labor day and it has pretty much taken my life as i know it and thrown it into a whirlwind.  i'm 2 weeks behind on workouts, i haven't tracked my calories since the day i left, i half blogged one post last week- plus ian & i have a cold.  it's disastrous.  so, i'm back, and i'm sorry.  and i missed you.

anyway.  ian turned 19 months on august 20th!  so much has happened since then that i almost thought about combining this past month with the current month, but i'm just going to try and remember what happened last month, and you'll have to come back after next tuesday for the good stuff (this month has been HUGE). 

ian is a wild man.  this child moves non-stop.  it's exhausting. i spend my entire day chasing him and saying "no, don't touch that.  i said no, i said no, what did i just say" on repeat.  if i didn't already know he could hear, i'd swear he needs his ears checked. 

we had some rough days.  lots of crying for no reason and just plain stressin' mommy out.  i'm sure the teeth are coming- i just wish they'd come faster!!!

we're still going back & forth between 2 naps a day & 1.  i guess it's tough being that exhausting.  it works though.  i usually can time it by what we have going on that day or when he wakes up to determine if he's going to take 1 or 2.  he's still doing pretty well with the bear & binky only at nap/bed time too.  although sometimes we will bring both with us if we know we're going to be out later than usual or driving somewhere (like to atlanta).

we finally caved & turned the car seat around.  i was really planning on waiting until he was 2 because of his size- but he is over 22 lbs now, plus we had friends in town who were going to be riding places with us, and it was a better fit to have the seat turned around so everyone could sit comfortably.  i know he likes it better, except now he can see us and he wants everything we have!! 

 water hockey?

 life's not fair!!  

 oh, hi!

 crazy poof hair
 shower time!

 oh, i'm not supposed to be in here?

 no, you're not supposed to be in here

 new friends!

 a miracle.  got this photo on the 1st shot!!!!

the face he's making is classic.  dave was singing some ridiculous song...
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