ian turned 2 on january 20th, and we celebrated by throwing a little party, or 2, or 3, or.... we had a small party at my mom & dad's house while we were visiting for christmas b\c it's a good chance for us to see our friends, and ian to see his friends. we also had a party at our house the weekend after ian's birthday with family & a few friends.
i went with a yo gabba gabba themed party for celebrate birthday number 2. gabba is the favorite show around here these days. he loves the characters, the songs, books, etc. plus, they're so fun and colorful- and i wanted the colors to be my inspiration for the party. both parties differed a little- the 1st party was a little more on the theme- with themed foods, etc. the second party was a little more about the food. yum.

the dj lance cake!! i wanted a rainbow cake, but when i saw the dj lance cake- i wanted a rainbow dj lance cake!! making rainbow cake is easy- just use a white cake mix and mix according to package directions. take 6 bowls and fill them with mix, gradually adding more mix to each bowl. put red dye in the smallest and work your way up to violet in the largest mixing the color in to your preference (rinse the whisk between each mix). with this cake, i did a 9x13, with the second cake i did 2- 9". starting with the largest- pour into the middle (don't forget to split if you do a layer cake) and give the pan a spin. then do blue, green, yellow, orange & red- spinning after each color addition. tent the pan with foil to prevent browning and bake according to the package directions (although you may want to take off 5-10 min. and then go from there). you can see what it looks like below. after i let this cake cool completely, i used the dj lance
template to cut the cake. i iced the hat portion with vanilla frosting and i iced his face w\ milk chocolate. i dyed shredded coconut orange for the hat. i used chocolate twizzlers (i couldn't find licorice) for the glasses and i dyed vanilla frosting red for the mouth since i accidentally bought rainbow fruit roll-ups. turned out pretty nice!
we had some themed snacks at this party "plex" mix, foofa's animal friends (annie's bunnies) & dazzle berry lemonade. dave & i even painted a brobee game- help all the food to the party in brobee's tummy!
i also made a muno shirt using nick jr's iron on
transfers (wish i had put the name on the back), and muno pretzels (turned out much better at the second party).
ian had tons of fun running around with his buddies and opening presents!
and cake of course (my parents have the brightest kitchen ever)
i can't leave out that ian had a mini-party the night before with his grammie, grampie & great-grammie (they were leaving for arizona in the morning). ian got a really cool bike- so excited for him to be a rider too!
mmm pie, and a cool bike!
opening presents with mommy and getting just a little bit comfy with uncle bear.
saturday we had our big party- and since it was mostly adults, i focused more on the food than the theme. i got most of the ideas for our spread from pinterest- seriously, i love pinterest. such good ideas!
so. much. delicious. food. we still have leftovers- it's been 2 weeks, and that's probably gross, but it's soooo good. and seriously- look how much better my 2nd batch of muno pretzels turned out!
aren't they so cute. i had seen the idea for the pretzels
here and thought they'd be pretty easy to re-create. the original recipe calls for candy melts- which is what i used the first time around, but i could never get it red enough, no matter how much i dyed it. then, when i did the candy melts this time- it burned (maybe b\c of my gas stove?)... so we scrapped that completely and went with white baker's chocolate. not only was it yummier, but it colored better and coated better. the candy eyes were in the baking aisle at the grocery store- dip and dry on wax paper. so yummy!
the rainbow cake!!
this cake was so yummy! since ian has permission from his allergist to eat eggs in baked form- i decided not to do any substitutions in the cake. i did cotton candy ice cream for extra color (my no-dairy boy got blood orange & pomegranate sorbet)!
that face? i die.
happy birthday sweet pea!