this giveaway is closed. check back for the winner!
i am so sorry i have been behind with blogging lately- ian runs around like crazy + i've been doing a lot of work from home + i've been reading the hunger games... so, you know. i'm back though and i have a really exciting review and giveaway for you!!
about sea-buckthorn: i'll admit that i didn't know what a sea-buckthorn was. so, a botany lesson- sea-buckthorn is a shrub that grows mainly in china/tibet. from this shrub grow sea-buckthorn berries. these berries are full of bioactive compounds, a good source of omegas 3, 6, 9 & 7. what this means for you is good news for your skin, nails and hair! this tiny little berry is packed with power!! you can read more about sea-buckthorn
sibu beauty: sibu beauty was founded in 2009 with the sea-buckthorn as the foundation of all sibu's products. sibu carries 2 types of products- topical (soaps, lotions) and ingestible (gel caps & liquid supplements). i think my favorite thing is that their products are very pure: sibu is certified organic, 100% natural and contains no dairy, wheat, gluten, sodium, or yeast. everything in sibu's line is also paraben free and cruelty free, and all products are sourced through fair trade.
i got a chance to sample and review sibu beauty's repair & protect daytime facial cream. the highlights:
- promotes tissue recover & healing
- rejuvenates sun-damaged skin
- protects against environmental stress
- preserves healthy skin tone & texture
- boosts collagen production.
i normally use a moisturizer with a sunscreen in it- which this doesn't have- but since i use a foundation containing sunscreen, it wasn't really a big deal to me. right away i liked the scent- it's citrusy, but at the same time almost a little woodsy- i can't really put my finger on it. just in the 2 short weeks that i've been using repair & protect- my skin already feels softer- which is saying a lot when you're living in illinois in the winter. it doesn't feel greasy like other moisturizers i've used in the past- when i put it on- i don't have to play the "wait until my moisturizer is dry to put on my makeup" game. it absorbs into my skin immediately- and makes my skin feel really supple! i've enjoyed the daytime facial cream so much- i'm even using it on any dry spots that may show up after i wash my face- and once i put it on, they're immediately gone. i really like the packaging too! i've been looking for a line to make an investment in and if the rest of sibu's product line is half as good as the facial cream- i think i'm set!
want to win sibu beauty's repair & protect facial cream for yourself? yes? here's how to enter:
please leave a separate comment for each additional entry in order for it to be counted!
1. you must be a follower of my blog via google friend connect- and don't just follow to enter and then un-follow later. that would be not nice and give me the sadz. comment with your gfc name.
2. "like" sibu beauty on facebook! (i hear they give out samples sometimes). let me know you did.
4. follow me (@mcmellll) on the twitters. leave your handle
5. blog or facebook or tweet about this giveaway (if tweeting, make sure you use @sibu_beauty & @mcmellll) - leave your twitter link!
so you have 5 chances to win!!! giveaway will run until 11:59 pm on Sunday, March 4th. I'll announce the winner here and on twitter Monday, March 5th!!!
good luck!!
I received a sample of the above product to try for free and keep in exchange for a review. I received no further compensation.
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