i have been very lazy with the blog lately. mostly because i do not budget my time wisely, plus i have a crazy house & a crazy son- plus i feel like i have a lot less time to do these things now that he is bigger- he requires a lot of my attention. plus.. potty training.
for memorial day weekend, we headed to ft. wayne, in to see dave's family (gma, aunt, uncle, cousins) & to have some family/ian photos made. having photos made of a 2 year old is kind of a joke. he wasn't having it. dave's cousin's wife, julie, is a talented photographer though, and i'm sure she was able to make some magic happen somewhere. other than the photos we just took it easy. we did spend one day out at dave's aunt & uncle's lake house- heaven! ian loved going in the water and playing in the sand. lakes kind of make me nervous, but i went in a couple times and we had a lot of fun just enjoying a gorgeous relaxing day & spending time with the family. plus. we want a lake house now. ahem parents & in-laws.... i definitely wish we could have stayed longer b\c i hate that you spend almost a whole day driving... which is a bummer. plus, i secretly (or not so secretly) love ft. wayne. definitely love it more than here. i don't know what it is about that place- but i just want to live there!
it's another busy weekend for us. dave's sister & her husband are in town from philly & saturday we are celebrating the family may/june birthdays + mother's/father's days. 6 birthdays + the moms & dads. luckily, we already had a bday party for the nephew & the other nephew is only a month old- so it's actually only 4 birthdays. best part- one of them is mine!
i am throwing in the towel on ever losing weight & being thin ever again. i might as well just have the rest of my children and then let the biggest loser take care of me eventually. actually, i'm going to have some blood work done soon. we'll let that be the deciding factor.
i've been looking for this necklace ever since i found out i was the last person on the planet to know of its existence. i've found some that i like on ebay. they may not be of the best quality, but i can't argue at those prices. thank you china & hong kong!
i'm off to bed for now. another crazy toddler day. fits & potty training galore tomorrow.
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