unfortunately (or fortunately), i like to shop when i'm bored- and my favorite sale of the season is modcloth's cabin fever sale! 70% off selected items- and they usually have about 2000 things to choose from- and they go fast. i hit the sale up yesterday moments after it went live and snagged a few dresses and sweaters off my wishlist- including a tracey reese top that had been $148!! all told i got about $700 worth of stuff for $100- and really i didn't even spend that because I used Christmas money. Wahoo.
so if you love cute clothes and crazy deals- check out modcloth's cabin fever sale- the sale is going until everything is gone! you can use the link above to get directly to mc's site, or if you want $15 off your purchase of $50 or more and you're a 1st time customer, you can use click the box on the sidebar that says to get $10 off your first order (it's really $15!!).
happy shopping!!
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