how far along- 17-20 wks (february 6th-march 5th)
due date- i just tell everyone july 20th
weight gain- i've lost count. the scale at my ob's office is so different than my home scale.
maternity clothes- i actually packed about 90% of my maternity clothes back up. i kept out 2 pairs of jeans and a handful of tops/sweaters. why wear something that makes you feel bad about yourself? i actually ended up going to old navy and buying their jeans (that i love), but i sized up a couple of sizes- i feel so much better when i get dressed now.
symptoms- still feeling very nauseous, very tired AND i got a cold from ian that was just terrible. thank goodness for the ob-approved list of medications (i love you sudafed)!
cravings- i finally got my red lobster (thank you other pregnant girlfriends) and my other random craving was a sonic cherry limeade & a klondike bar- i wanted them together.
aversions- nothing. wow
am i showing- of course.
missing anything- at this point- i miss warm weather- which has nothing to do with a baby!
movement- i thought i had been feeling some movement- but it was hard to tell b\c of where my placenta is- i can definitely tell now that the baby is moving! woo.
doctor's visits- gender ultrasound this month! more below!!
boy or girl- IT'S A GIRL!
notable and interesting things from month #5 (it was a doozy)
- i had 3 incidents this month that i guess can be chalked up to the worst heartburn of all time- but were scary as hell. all 3 incidents were severe chest pain (like my chest was in a vice grip), shooting pain up my right arm and severe jaw pain. don't ever google your symptoms- b\c google will tell you that you're having a heart attack. i talked to my ob about it, and she wanted me to have an ultrasound done on my gallbladder. apparently gallbladder issues are common in pregnant women. i also had a blood draw done. luckily, everything came back clear- but they did find a teeny tiny blood clot on my liver- which i just have to follow up with my regular doctor the next time i see him.
- i had my gender ultrasound and the instructions i was given were to pee 1 hr 15 min prior to the u/s and then drink 32 oz of non-carbonated liquids in the next 15 minutes. i knew it would be impossible for me to drink all of that in water- so i split it up among juice, tea & water. i was doing well until i had about 2 oz of water to go... and then i lost all of it. ugh. it was the worst. i couldn't even recoup all that water before the appointment, so i just went as is- and luckily i had to pee when i got there, so i must have retained enough for it to matter. but yeah, i'm not built for all that liquid.
- i ended up having to have 2 ultrasounds at my gender ultrasound to check my placenta. i stated in a previous post that my placenta was in an anterior position- and the tech was worried that it was attached to my cervix (aka placenta previa). i have a partial placenta previa right now. this can be common in early pregnancy, but 99.9% of the time it corrects itself as your uterus gets bigger and moves things around. you need a distance of 2 cm between your placenta & cervix to be considered in the clear of placenta previa- at my 20 week u/s i was at 1.8 cm. i need just a tiny bit of movement. i have to have a follow-up u/s at 28 weeks to see if my placenta has moved.
- baby is breech. it's early, so no concern. she moves a lot, certainly she has flipped back over...
- we're having a girl! we are so excited (dave is so scared). ian had been saying for weeks that we were having a "gril"- and he was right. since we couldn't all be together for the appointment, i had decided that we would have our tech write the gender down and place it in an envelope. then i was going to do something cute- have a pink or blue filled cupcake made, buy balloons or an outfit and we would all find out together. riiight. dave & i didn't make it out of the hospital. we opened the envelope in a hallway. maybe next time?
and weekly photos....

and weekly photos....
17 weeks
cardigan- gap maternity
dress- modcloth
belt- target

18 weeks
19 weeks
blouse- modcloth
sweater- LOFT
skirt- gap maternity
20 weeks!!
dress- modcloth
sweet boy. he's so excited!
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