so, like most people in the world- i love designer collaborations. the chance to own designer goods for a minimal amount of money is something that i think anyone can get behind. i believe target started it all with their go international collection- which i owned a few pieces from long ago, but now they're everywhere it seems.
everyone on the interwebs seemed to be freaking out over the 3.1 phillip lim collection- me, not being able to pass up a good bargain went down to check it out. let's say i no longer share that enthusiasm. maybe it's because i just had a baby, and i've still got a little bit of baby weight. maybe it's because i'm short- and i can't afford to carry extra weight. i don't know- but i'm beginning to think these collections are made for skinny people only. this one was certainly a punch in the proverbial crotch of my self-esteem. i don't know what it is, but the sizing is ALL OVER THE PLACE for these collections- at least on me. i tried on nearly everything my store had - my thoughts follow!

thoughts: the sweater was super-thick and would be perfect for winters up here, but i felt like it just hung on me and made me look dumpy. plus, you can tell the sleeves have extra length on my arms, but i wish the sweater itself had more length. maybe the sleeves are supposed to be scrunched up though? this sweater was a medium and i felt fit me just fine. the skirt- i really liked, although i don't wear a lot of skirts b\c i never know how to style them and i don't like how they sit on my waist- i would go back and buy this skirt on clearance. i needed a 14 in this skirt (yes) which is 2-3 sizes bigger than the jeans i am currently wearing. i like the skirt though, so i wouldn't let the number sway my decision. i really wanted to try on the leopard print dress- but they didn't have it in the store on opening day- however, they did have it when i went to target yesterday, but i didn't get the chance to try it!

Price: 24.99
thoughts: this tank was probably my favorite thing that i tried on, but i'm not paying $25 for one. i'd definitely pick this up on clearance though! a medium worked for me in this style
3.1 Phillip Lim for Target Sparkle Dress - Blue
3.1 Phillip Lim for Target Sweater Dress
thoughts: this is the worst picture of me of all time to go on the interwebs. the dress on me screamed "hey everyone, i just had a baby..." ugh. this was a medium.
3.1 Phillip Lim for Target Pullover -Navy/Emerald
3.1 Phillip Lim for Target Silky Skirt -Navy
thoughts: this fit well. was the same as the animal print skirt.
thoughts: cute floral shirt dress, but i tried a large AND an xl and couldn't lift my arms up over my head- seriously. wtf. i don't have broad shoulders... what is up?
thoughts: this tank was probably my favorite thing that i tried on, but i'm not paying $25 for one. i'd definitely pick this up on clearance though! a medium worked for me in this style

Price: 49.99
thoughts: this dress obviously didn't work for me. on the left is a large, which hung on me like a potato sack. on the right a medium- which was snug all over. oh well. a definite no.

Price: 44.99
thoughts: this is the worst picture of me of all time to go on the interwebs. the dress on me screamed "hey everyone, i just had a baby..." ugh. this was a medium.

Price: 34.99
thoughts: i really liked this top, but i tried on a medium and a large and couldn't lift my arms up. if anyone knows what that means- tell me, b\c even in my pre-baby days when i was much smaller i had the same issue with tops/jackets. target had an xl when i was there yesterday, i might try that b\c this was my favorite thing from the look book.

Price: 29.99
thoughts: this fit well. was the same as the animal print skirt.
thoughts: cute floral shirt dress, but i tried a large AND an xl and couldn't lift my arms up over my head- seriously. wtf. i don't have broad shoulders... what is up?
so overall, this collection was unfortunately a bust for me. did you give it a try? buy anything? maybe i'll have better luck next time- and by next time i mean- today! catherine malandrino for kohls!