Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen or Julie & Julia: Or My Year of Cooking Dangerously. Julie Powell

I must say, I liked this book, but not as much as I thought I would. I have yet to see the movie though. I got the book because I had heard good things about the movie, and because of my love for cooking. Reading this book however, did NOT inspire me to go out and cook all or ANY of Julia Child's recipes from Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I love to cook, and I really love to eat, but I may draw the line at livers, and bone marrow. What I didn't like about this book- the constant use of the "f word" (yes, she mentions that in her book, and she doesn't care, whatever). Also, I hate when people in certain political parties insult those who are in the opposite political party. It's childish. Thirdly, some of the book as she claims was just "made up" including the "scenes" from Julia Child's life. I'd probably give this book a B- or C+ and now I feel bad that I bought it for someone as a Christmas gift...
Push by Sapphire (some may know it as Precious, Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire)

That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everything in Between. Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham is a guilty pleasure of mine. Basically she could tell me to wear a burlap sack and jump off London Bridge, and I would consider it. Here, Posh gives advice on how to wear everything from denim to maternity clothes (and so far, that's all I've read: denim, trousers and maternity clothes). Although I can't afford a darn thing she is recommending, she still gives good advice that I can take and apply to what I actually can afford until I can actual afford to buy everything from Topshop or Balenciaga (riiight). I'm looking forward to reading what else she has to say- plus, I love the pretty pictures. This may be my last book for a while. We'll see. I give it an A b\c I love you, Posh, I love you.
2 days, my friends, 2 days. We'll see if baby has other plans.
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