This is good for us though: 1. we enjoy the time just the 2 of us- baby is going to be with us for a long long while, and this time with just husband & me is so precious. 2. We've gotten more done around the house- extra time to do stuff in baby's room, things like that. 3. I've been getting myself established at my new job before I run off and leave everyone. 4. I have time for maternity pics- sometime later in the week!
Speaking of maternity pics- this would only happen to me right before I would have pictures made... So, I'm getting ready to go to my appointment today, and i was making a quick clothing change- as I'm doing this, I accidentally scratch my belly with my thumbnail. My nails haven't been long since the first trimester, so I didn't expect anything big- I mean, i had accidentally burned my belly on our stove a few weeks ago, and it turned red for about 10 minutes. I continue about my business getting dressed, when my belly, or should I say something on my belly catches my eye in the bathroom mirror about 10 seconds later. WHOA! What was barely a scratch all the sudden turned into this crazy red/pink/purple streak. I can't explain it, just see it for yourself:

Ridiculous. Luckily photos can be retouched, but I'm sure my photographer is going to love that the main focal point of the pictures needs major work. It doesn't really hurt, but it's not pretty to look at. Like I said, only me...
Alright, bedtime here. I am making myself go to sleep tonight. I have a seminar for work tomorrow morning. Yippee!
so very exciting!! i know you are so excited, but it is good that you can enjoy these last few days/weeks together. :) and that scratch would definitely happen to me too. i have that kind of luck.