so, we finally made it to church. i woke, fed ian, got him dressed, and was forced to hand him over to my parents so he could go to sunday school. they just wanted to show him off, and i can't blame them because he is a cutie! he was quite dapper in his little easter outfit! this was nice, though, because it gave me time to eat, shower and dress myself without having to worry about what ian was doing, and whether he was going to wake up as soon as i turned the water on. we looked quite nice, husband and i. he gave me permission to buy a new easter dress because having a baby gives you a built-in excuse: "i can't wear any of my other dresses, so i need a new one." i got a pretty awesome dress, and then decided i needed a cardigan because i didn't realize they made strapless nursing bras until just now, and even still, i'm not sure that's a look that my boobs could really rock... i also got a belt, but a word to the post partum: you must even try on a belt before you buy it or you'll find yourself on easter morning trying to strap a s/m belt around your waist, when you really needed a l/xl, and then you want to cry because you're a fatty, but it's really because you just had a baby...
so we went to church (we were there early- omg). i don't remember much about the actual sermon. i had to take ian out halfway through the service to feed him, and then i attempted to get him to sleep the rest of the time. he made his way from my brother all the way down to my dad before it was over. afterward, i chatted with friends and people i knew, and listened to them tell me how cute my son is (duh), and i watched my brother's skank of an ex girlfriend like a hawk to make sure she didn't get her dirty mitts on my son (she didn't- she is probably afraid of me now because she hopefully knows how much i want to injure her for having her be in my wedding because she was like a sister to me, only to have her dump my brother a few months later- i have trouble letting things go).
after church, we headed home, had some family pictures made (it was a beautiful day, and the cherry trees in my parents' yard were amazing), and sat down to a delicious easter dinner. i napped for a bit, while dave worked on his school project (only 2 weeks left and he will have a masters degree- thank the Lord it'll be over). after we woke up, we were all trying to figure out what to do for dinner. my dad's cousin, jimmie has been staying with us, and as a former atlantan, she knows what's good, so we decided we'd head to the varsity for dinner. that place may kill me one day with its grease and whatnot, but it will be so worth it. chili dogs and frosted orange, i love you! once we got home it was sad time, which meant, time to start packing. i let everyone else have their cuddles with ian, and we got our suitcases packed, and put what we could in the car. i don't think ian could've had a better first easter!
Sounds like you had a fun and eventful trip!
ReplyDeleteaw man, varsity! I've never been but here it's greasy & fabulous!! Where do you all go to church? We attended Northpoint when we lived in ATL. :)