for starters, the weather has been horrible this week. ian and i were only able to get out and walk once. this week doesn't seem like it's going to be any better. it's low 60's right now. i guess that shouldn't be an excuse, i should probably just layer up and get out, but i get more worried about him getting cold.
we went on a road trip this weekend, and for us, any road trip means terrible food. we both ate breakfast at home before we left, but once we got out on the road, there weren't many options. every exit seems to be a mcdonald's. not the best choice for weight loss. we did avoid mcdonald's, but we didn't avoid taco bell and fazoli's (10 hour trip meant 2 stops- lunch and dinner). plus, we didn't buy a single snack at a gas station stop- go us! although the ravioli at fazoli's has less than 500 calories, so i guess i can get on board with that. maybe. the positive to this is that we did some walking once we got to our destination! plus, i carried ian in the bjorn the entire time, it's practically like walking with weights... even better, i didn't eat anything once we got back home- go me!
i can't figure out if i'm just trying to make myself feel better- or if this is all really good stuff...
so i won't be weighed again for another 2 weeks, so i don't have any weight progress to share. sometimes i feel like i look smaller, but i don't know that i'm any closer to fitting into my old pants, or anything for that matter.
let me go a different direction though. let's talk about stretch marks. they are a pregnant and post-pregnant gal's worst enemy. i tried my best to be diligent about rubbing cocoa butter on my belly and everywhere else throughout my entire pregnancy. i succeeded with the belly part. i remember my ob putting the gel on my belly at one of my last appointments so we could listen with the doppler... she said,
"oh, wow, you've made it this far, and you don't have any stretch marks"
and i replied, "not really, you just can't see the places where i have my stretch marks."
so, here i am nearly 14 weeks post partum, and with stretch marks abound. they cover my thighs, my entire thigh is a stretch mark. i do have a few on my right side, and then on each of my calves. so some people might say i'm lucky to have them in those places and not my belly. i strongly disagree- i mean, i don't show my belly everyday when i go out in public- but i do wear skirts and dresses, and dare i say, shorts in the summer- people are going to see my legs. i mean, how am i going to wear a swimsuit again?!?!
so a few weeks ago, i picked up some Bio Oil after seeing it in a magazine. it's a tiny bottle of peach-colored oil that has a bazillion uses, but i am going to use it for stretch marks. basically, i rub it into my stretch marks 2 times a day for 3 months, and they should be visibly reduced. i'm not doing it twice a day every day, but i'm doing it as often as i feel i have time- and you know what, i think i already see a difference. i thought about doing before and after photos, but i don't know if i'm brave enough to photograph my inner thigh... so, there's nothing i can say for bio oil yet, but i will report back on it when ian is about 6 months old!
here's to a better week of eating right and exercising. we're going out of town again this weekend, but i'm going to try to be better!!
also, i'm not a paid spokesperson for bio oil!
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