man, i love registering for gifts. there should really be more events that require a registry because i love picking things out that i want and then receiving them! i need to get an ongoing life registry together. remember on sex and the city where carrie gets her manolo's stolen, so she decides to get married to herself and register for just the shoes... ahh
back to baby buys. here are my favorite baby items. just some things to keep in mind whether you are giving or receiving. along with some registry tips.
my top
10 12 faves.
baby bjorn. i love the crap out of this thing. i know it's not the typical sling carrier, but it's sturdy, it's great for walks, and i feel oh-so-swedish when i'm out and about carrying the baby!
2. fisher-price whale of a tub. it's a baby tub that's shaped like a whale. do you really need more? favorite accessory to use with the tub? the aquatopia deluxe bath thermometer because men have no concept of temperature.
3. diaper genie ii. this thing is b.a. we started out using disposables and we still use this thing from time to time for trash. this is not like a regular diaper genie. i have yet to smell anything foul coming from this thing, and thank goodness, because i have a gag reflex. if you're going disposable- you need this.
4. soothie's pacifiers. this is the pacifier that most hospital's give. these are adorable, and ian won't take anything else. plus they look like a smiley face!
5. swaddleme pod, or the "swad pod" as it was referred to in our house. try and get out of this thing, baby. i dare you. baby will fall asleep and stay asleep in this warm cozy pod! plus they look like a little bean while inside of it!
6. grobag egg. did you know the ideal temperature for baby's room is between 61-67? you probably didn't- i didn't. so stop putting your baby in a sweater in the middle of summer. seriously. overheating baby can cause sids. the egg is a digital thermometer which displays the temp in the room with a :) for ideal and a :( when it's too hot or cold. it also has coordinating colors for the temperature range. you dress baby according to the temperature. the egg doesn't like summer in our house. he's always angry. ian doesn't wear pj's often now! we love our wise all-knowing egg.
8. medela pump in style- if you're going to breastfeed, you need a pump. don't let the price tag scare you- this baby is worth every penny. save your gift cards and any registry completion certificates- trust me.
9. bumbo. because it's funny to see baby sitting in a little chair! plus, this really does help with their sitting skills.
10. so easy baby food kit. this is a really good kit to get started with.
11. baby einstein gym. this is ian's favorite thing hands down. he could play on this all day if i let him. it was the first thing i started using with him (when he was a few weeks old) and for the longest time he would just lay there and do nothing, but soon he started to play, and now he loves it!
12. our hippo chair. great for pictures, and i know ian is going to love sitting in it one day!!
things you probably don't need to register for because you're going to get them regardless (unless there's something you really want) - (these are all things you need): hooded towels, washcloths, clothes, onesies, receiving blankets, burp cloths, bath sets, blankets, grooming kit, bibs, toys, diaper cream
things you should register for that will really come in handy: baby hangers, changing pad cover, window shades, humidifier, car bottle warmer, nursing cover (any nursing accessories if you go this route: cream, milk bags, nursing pads), bowls/spoons, car seat cover (super handy in the midwest- or anywhere else where winter is a real b), formula dispenser (i use it for cereal), boppy. sleep sack, swaddler, shopping cart cover, baby monitor
things you need that you can/should be specific about: car seat, high chair, stroller, pack n play, crib/bedding, convertible car seat, bottles, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, swing, bouncy seat.
things you should get yourself or have your family get you: diaper bag, crib (any furniture), crib bedding, rocker, car seat, high chair, pack n play, swing, room decor.
places to register: target. everyone should register here because it's convenient, and most people are probably going to just ignore your registry and get you whatever the heck they want to get you anyway- but chances are, they're going to target to get it. (yes, their return policy can stink, and most people forget or refuse to give gift receipts, but there are ways around this- and that's why i say target), babies r us and/or buy buy baby (both don't have a lot of convenient locations for most- here in illinois there are 9 local bru's and only 3 bbb's statewide, in atlanta there are only 5 convenient bru's and only 1 bbb in the entire state). i love bbb- it's bed, bath and beyond, but with baby stuff. insanity. local boutique, or an online boutique. this is great because small boutiques can have cutesy things that the big box stores don't have, plus online shops allow people to know something is in stock w\o making a trip. plus, if you do cloth diapering, it's a great place to register! another great place- pottery barn kids (outrageous prices where i'm concerned, but their stuff is adorable).
did i forget anything, wheeew.
best of buying!