Wednesday, August 25, 2010

call me the shredder

well, not quite, but that's the husband's new nickname for me. yesterday i started jillian michael's 30 day shred.  a girl from my new mom's group mentioned that she had bought the dvd, and was going to start it- so i figured i'd start it too (i had the dvd pre-baby) that way we could keep each other accountable.  we started on monday, so it's day 3.  i really hope i keep it up until day 30.  i need this.  


i need this because my self-esteem has taken quite a few hits lately...

#1 - i decide to use the wii fit for the first time since I was pregnant- over a year ago.  i was still in the early stages of my pregnancy then, so i had only gained a few pounds- but wasn't to point that i'm back at now.  so i step on the board and the wii tells me i gained 8.8 lbs, makes my mii fat and tells me that i failed at my weight loss goal (the one i set before i knew i was pregnant).  if only the wii knew i had gained 45 total lbs and lost all but 10...

#2 - i downloaded a new app on my phone that tracks your weight.  you put in a goal, and then you put in your current weight with your height.  i put in all this information, press enter, and the app replies, "you are   fat."  nice.  i guess it could be worse- just playing around, i put my weight down as 200 lbs and it said, "you will die."

so i need to lose 10 lbs to get back to pre-baby weight, but everything i read says that i was still 20 lbs overweight then (wtf?!)  regardless, i'm about to get serious!

so i figure, what better way to motivate than to humiliate...

so, here i am on day 2 of the 30 day shred

from the front.

and from the side - still looking preggers.  boo.

update in 27 days...
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  1. Oh trade me!! I want your before picture.. I want your before picture to be my After picture! :) I love jillian... when I jog on my treadmill, I invision her yelling at me :) usually helps. I would cry if my app said that to me :( although, I cry when oprah has a show about new jeans that "lift" your butt,
    Hey on your phone look up in market "diet & Food" app, its awesome!! I couldnt love it more :) well.. maybe if when you logged on, it gave me a compliment, they should add that part.. good luck! I hope the 30 days goes fast! cant wait to read about it

  2. You can do it!!! I have that video and can't wait to start back up once this baby is born and I get my own body back. I think you look great now, but I completely understand.

  3. Good luck!!! I hope u reach ur goal weight but wanted to let u know u r not fat,u look great and i'm not telling this just to make u feel better.

  4. Go you! I totally need to get in shape too so I can't wait to hear what you think about the DVD. I find it hard to stick with a DVD past 2 weeks. Can't wait for updates.

  5. thanks for the encouragement guys! hopefully i'll stick with it

    casey- i'll be looking up that app- any app that doesn't call me fat is a friend.

    kelley- i know! once you've been wearing maternity pants for over 5 months- you'll give anything to get out of them asap!

    athika- thanks! how is your time in india?!

    cath- luckily the dvd has 3 levels of workouts, so i'm hoping that bumping myself up to the next level every 10 days will make it easier for me to stick with it


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