we have a walker!! after 17 long months ian is finally walking! what a stinker. dave & i went out for my birthday and we left ian with dave's mom. we were having a big family get-together that weekend, so our nieces and nephews were all in town. our niece, annie is 19 months and has been walking for a while now and ian and her had fun playing together. apparently, ian chased her around- on foot- while we were gone! we left him there again the next evening to run a few errands and the same thing happened. we finally got ian walking for good on father's day- and he's been off ever since! it was a perfect father's day gift for dave & a perfect birthday gift for me!
ian is still a really good eater. we've definitely ran into some of the picky toddler behavior. refusing to eat things that he normally likes, leaving a plate almost full. we're still running into some issues with hives, so we are going to be making an appointment to see a pediatric allergist very soon.
ian's mouth is now full of teeth! after the issue with swollen molars, i looked in his mouth one day, and all of the sudden all 4 molars had popped through. shortly after that, his 4th bottom tooth came in. his little smile keeps getting sweeter!
we're still nursing in the morning, but it's winded down. as of monday, we officially finished breastfeeding. i didn't make it to 2 years, or even 18 months, but 17 months is awesome. i'm proud of me and i'm proud of him!
ian is getting better with sign language. he has now added please (which he does with both hands) and occasionally no. i'm currently working on a few other signs- mommy, daddy, and i love you. but we have also been teaching diaper, dog, help me, and it hurts.
ian also wants to be involved in everything. he wants to help you close doors, flip light switches, close the garage, open things. he also likes to hold the rail when you walk him up the stairs and close the baby gate at the top. he also likes turning on his fan and his sound machine for naps/bedtime. lately he's even helped me put clothes in the dryer. hilarious! he's definitely my little helper!
we are not potty training, but we have the materials for it. we bought a potty for ian's bathroom a few months ago, and in the last couple weeks we bought one for downstairs. we usually let him sit on the potty while we are running his bath. we're not planning to force the issue though. i was potty trained- practically overnight- at 22 months. we'll see if ian does the same...
here are this month's photos!
ian and i at the petting zoo
going on a walk
reading a story (no photos with daddy this month for some reason)
ian and the 1st face he ever saw in this world, dr. barthel.
and i present to you... the anatomy of a monthly photo.
this isn't getting any easier...