Thursday, July 12, 2012

catching up: then i got older

lots of big things going on during my blogcation... up next.  i turned 30... plus 1.  ugh.  i guess i shouldn't be freaking out about this, but for some reason, this seems worse than 30 did.  who knows why... maybe it's that 30 is a nice, even, round number, but 31 kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.  plus, i kinda do feel old, even if i'm not.  my birthday was on saturday this year, which is a real treat because dave is home and i get to spend the whole day with him!  for starters, i slept in.  yay!  dave got ian up and kept him busy for a little while, so i got some extra rest.  when i got up, he was baking me a cake- which he did last year too.  i'm pretty impressed with his baking skillz.  ian was watching tangled, so i watched with him, of course.  we had lunch and then decided to open gifts then- probably because dave couldn't wait.  i figured out why ian was so interested in tangled that morning- i got tangled on dvd & dave had picked out a tangled bday card.  ian was pretty excited about both.  i also got a gift card to get my hair done- yay.  i'm pretty sure i had not had a haircut since... december.  yikes.

for dinner we went to a place called the ram that i really like- mostly b\c it's family friendly.  dave & i have a list of restaurants we really want to go to- but we don't want to take ian to any of them.  date night material.  the ram passes the family test.  after dinner, we headed to krispy kreme- the lone one in our area, because people around here think dunkin is the donut king.  they are crazy. 

 smart husband

 creepy mommy

 mmm, cake!

dress:  cinema foyer dress- modcloth - via swap
shoes:  seychelles

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