Sunday, August 18, 2013

Isla - 1 month. Ian - 3.5

well, considering isla is going to be 2 months old on saturday, i should probably type out this post.  boy, these last 2 months have been exhausting.  i am trying so hard to blog when i get the chance, but i usually can't sit down for any more than 5-10 minutes, and i try to do work for my job during that time, or you know, relax....

so i know i'm way behind, i haven't even typed out my birth saga story yet!  here's what you might need to know:

isla (eye-la in case you need to know b\c we've had way more mispronunciations than we could have dreamed of) was born on june 17th (the day after my birthday!) at 3:48 pm.  she weighed 4 lbs 3 oz and was 18.5 inches long.  she spent 2 weeks in the special care nursery.  her lowest weight was 3 lbs 13 oz.

isla's 1 month stats:  weight 5 lbs 8 oz.  length 18.5".  three words to describe her:  squirrely, gassy, adorable!  we lost out a lot of time during those first 2 weeks- but we spent as much time with her in the nursery that we could- which was a challenge once my family left and it was just the 3 of us.  ian wasn't allowed in, and that cut into my daytime visiting hours, but we made it work, and really, she was home before we knew it.  we really consider ourselves lucky.  some people wait much longer than we had to- or their babies don't come home at all.  we're very blessed.

isla is doing pretty good.  she's definitely different than ian.  she's a pretty good sleeper- she's up to around 4 hours at night- but we have still been pretty exhausted.  right around her one month birthday also marks my due date- which thinking about is just crazy.  her black eye is almost cleared up, she nurses well, and takes a bottle for her vitamins really well.  she finally got too long for her preemie clothes and is now being swallowed whole by nb clothes.  there isn't really much else to say about her.  she's a pretty good baby!

ian was officially 3.5 on isla's due date.  he's been so awesome since we've had her home.  he was truly born to be a big brother!  he loves and hugs on her all the time.  he always asks to give her kisses and talks to her in high pitch baby talk- my favorite thing is that he calls her "baby grill" and asks "oh, isn't she cute?"  things have been great with them!

here are some pictures from baby grill's first month...

 not long after being born.  in the nicu all hooked up.  

 a couple days after being born.  the nicu nurse brought her to my room for a short visit.  

 ian's first time meeting his baby sister through the window!

 a baby with a name!

 waiting for isla to be discharged!

 going home!!  15 days later!

 he held her hand the whole way home!

 finally holding baby sister for the first time!

 baby and mama!

 isla's first bath!

 just hanging out!

 sweet brother!

hanging out with dad!

whah!  i'm 1 month old!
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