Wednesday, April 4, 2012

5 things i'm loving right now... april

here are the 5 things i'm loving right now for april (already)

1.  baseball!!!!  i'm so excited for baseball season again- esp after last year ended so heart-breakingly.  it's a new year though!  i'd love it even more if i were in atlanta where i could actually watch the braves play on tv, instead i get to catch highlights or listen to dave carry on about how bad the cubs are.  luckily the braves will be in town next month- it's too bad they aren't going to be in atlanta when we are though...

2.  georgia!!!  so excited to be headed home for a few days to visit with family.  the friends seem to be dwindling and i've kind of given up, but such is being an adult.  as much as i want to live there again- the thought of leaving my friends here and returning to somewhere to have to make new friends is kind of scary.  i still look forward to the trip- the weather better not be playing though.  i'm excited to spend another easter at home.  (img)

3.  the vera sale.  it's become a tradition for dave's mom & me to hit up the annual outlet sale.  this will be year 4.  they are doing ticketed sessions again, so i expect that it will be as nice as it was last year.  plus, you can't beat purses at 75% off.  and maybe i will bring back a goodie for you.  

4.  drowning ruth.  i gave up on my food book b\c i couldn't get into it (and in all fairness i didn't give it a chance- but i'll be back).  i picked up this book off my shelf and i am captivated and intrigued.  i know something huge is going to happen- but what.  spending a lot of nights up late reading this one.  (img)

5.  yoga.  i never thought i would take up yoga, but i took a free class w\ one of my mom groups at the local pilates studio and i really enjoyed it- so much so that i bought a package of classes.  i've done a few yin classes and a few vinyasa/power/flow classes.  plus, i found out that my teacher from the pilates studio also teaches at my gym (and those classes are FREE).  i've got a ways to go to be good, but i'm really enjoying it.  can't wait to get back into classes when we're back from traveling. 

what are you loving?!

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