Wednesday, March 9, 2011

i resolve... march

not to make stupid resolutions this year that i will have forgotten about by... yesterday.

instead.  my "resolution" is to make a short list of attainable goals each month- and to share them with you.

ok, so we're a little over a week into march, but again i already have goals in place.  first, let's revisit february's goals:

no, first let me say what a wretched month february was.  my son acted a fool for 3+ weeks, we had a blizzard, my child went to the hospital and dr's office 800 times, and i basically just wanted to move to a desert island...

  • lose 5 lbs.  i'm telling you- my scale must be broken.  first it kept telling me i GAINED 5 lbs, and now it says i've gained 2 lbs.  i can't figure out wth is going on.  did i mention that i'm working out 6, yes, SIX days a week (this is week 4) and i have GAINED weight?!?!  this is why i don't work out.
  • finish reading that darn book already  notice i crossed it out, yet kept it bold?  i did not finish THAT book, but i read 2 other books.  i will get to that book one day. 
  • complete 2 more items on my 30 before thirty list  i feel like i have been doing this list long enough to say i've accomplished at least one of these things:  #21: eat healthier by cooking more at home
  • go to bed before 2 AM (to most of you, this is probably crazy, but i have a lot of trouble winding down- this is a HUGE deal for me)  once again, a little of both.  some days i succeeded and some days i was up until after 3.  i need ambiens. 
  • start listing clothes on smashion  i thought about it.  really i did. 
  • start implementing the cleaning plan  see above...
and now, my goals for march (where i promise not to be such a slacker):

  • go to bed before 2 AM (it's 2:15 already...  le sigh).
  • list clothes on smashion
  • seriously, clean your house, it's a disaster.
  • finish something else on the 30/30
  • read 2 books
  • have 2 "date" nights with husband.  one where we stay at home and the other where we actually pretend like we have lives and we leave our house without our child (we will leave our child with someone, not alone if you were wondering).  
  • see to it that the first day of spring arrives in the midwest.  i curse you snow, i curse you with 1000 curses.
  • win march madness (or my husband can win... what's yours is mine...)
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1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to do a couple pf goals/resolutions each month! :)
    Your scale must be broken. I hope you do get to do the two dates nights! Dates are fun! :) & I will take your snow! :) you can have my sun,


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