Monday, July 25, 2011

that's overweight!

that's what the wii says to me every morning when i step on our wii fit.  since i started seriously trying to lose weight 2 months ago, i have lost to date only 8 lbs.  that's ridiculous.  2 lbs a month.  i can't quite figure out what i am doing wrong.

i have been tracking my calories daily since mid may.  and yes, there are days when i go over- and there have been a few days where i have been way over.  but the majority of my days i am under my calories, or only over by about 10.  we have been working out 5-6 days a week since february and now that our triathlon has come & gone, we have cut down a little on the intensity of our workouts, but we are still going and staying faithful to it.  we're even planning our  next race.

so i have been weighing myself everyday on our wii fit since early june.  i didn't have a set weigh in time, but in the last few weeks have set my time to be 1st thing in the morning.  i wake up, i get ian up and put him in his seat for breakfast, and i weigh in either while his food is cooking or while he's eating.  and it goes a little something like this...

m-  gained 1.2 lbs
t- lost 0.3 lbs
w- gained 0.5 lbs
th- lost 2.5 lbs
f- gained 1.5 lbs.

this is my week on the wii fit.  back & forth, up & down.  it's so frustrating.  and it still wants me to lose 21 more lbs!!  21 lbs.  i'm doing all the things that i thought would be helping me lose weight, and i'm getting no results.  i skipped weigh ins on friday & sunday and today when i weighed in i had 0.0 lbs.  that's better than a gain i guess.  i think the wii fit & i are going to take a break.  it's not me, it's you.  i'm going to keep counting my calories, keep working hard in the gym (pushing myself a little farther)... and see what i can come up with.  i am going to lose this weight, dammit.  and i'm not going to starve myself to do it! Pin It!

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